IEEE SMC Italy Chapter Lecture Series 2023 (on line) 1) Friday 24.2.2023 @4pm LINK Touch science and engineering: from biomedical applications and tactile restoration with neuromorphic information encoding to sensory enrichment for the metaverse Calogero Maria Oddo – Sant’Anna School
I-RIM 3D 2022 @Maker Fair – ROME
On October 7th-9th, in Rome there will the I-RIM conference., the conference of the Robotic and Intelligent Machine society. On Saturday 8th, I will present a talk inside the WS that i co-organized with A. Lay-Ekuakille and A. Orlandini on
2 Ph.D. positions in DAuSY
Two Ph. D. positions are announced at the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari” of theUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia about autonomous systems in the national Ph.D programme (DAuSY). CALLWe seek for motivated students holding a master’s in electrical engineering,
Short class for PHD school
On May 13th, 16th and 17th there will be a short class for Ph.D. students on Robotics: Modeling(Zanasi), Identification (Giarré) and Control (Biagiotti) from 10 to 13 in Sala Riunioni, Building 26 DIEF Unimore and Teams. Teams: May 13th 2002
AVA Workshop @ CVPR
We will be present at the CVPR conference in the workshop AVA: Accessibility, Vision, and Autonomy MeetJune 20, 2022New Orleans, Louisiana with the talk Laura Giarre’ Accessibility and Independent Navigation for People with Visual Impairments
Recent papers
Systematic modeling of complex time-variant gear systems using a Power-Oriented approach, Control Engineering Practice, Volume 132, March 2023, 105420, by Davide Tebaldi and Roberto Zanasi Abstract: This paper addresses a methodology for the systematic modeling of complex gear systems. The methodology
SmartMO workshop
On April 4th we have organized a workshop on Smart City, Mobility, and Gender issues Workshop .