IEEE SMC Italy Chapter

Lecture  Series 2023 (on line)

1)  Friday 24.2.2023 @4pm LINK

Touch science and engineering: from biomedical applications and tactile restoration with neuromorphic information encoding to sensory enrichment for the metaverse

Calogero Maria Oddo –

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy

2) Friday 10.3.2023 @2pm LINK

Gender Issues in Computer Science Research, Education, and Society

Letizia Jaccheri – IDI-  NTNU Trondheim, Norway

3) Friday 24.3.2023 @4pm LINK

Opinion Dynamics – a game theoretical approach

Dario Bauso – Groningen Jan C. Willems Center for Systems and Control ENTEG, University of Groningen, NL

4)  Friday 21.4.23 @4pm  LINK

What is LoRa? A low power technology for IoT Applications

Ilenia Tinnirello – Università di Palermo, Palermo,  Italy

5) Friday 5.5.23 @4pm LINK

Personalized federated learning

Giovanni Neglia – Neo team, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis,  France

6)   Friday 19.5.23 @4pm LINK

Sensor network  in smart cities to monitor urban traffic flow and air quality

Laura Po – DIEF, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy

7) Friday 9.6.23 @4pm LINK

Cyber security: safe and secure networked embedded control systems

Bruno Sinopoli – Washington University, Saint Louis,- US